Best Tested Broker

Best Tested Broker

Best Tested Broker

What is the best Broker? With low savings rates, this is a question many people are asking themselves these days. Life has never been as expensive as it is right now, and that’s why people are looking for ways to get more out of their money. One of these ways? Investing your money with an online broker or investment platform!

Investing and investing is a hot topic at the time of writing and that is not surprising. When you use your money smartly, you can achieve very nice returns by investing your money or investing in, for example, stocks, ETFs, funds or cryptocurrency.

In many cases, you invest your money with an online broker. You can contact this broker for purchasing and storing your investments.

But how do you choose the best online broker? Nowadays, online brokers are springing up mushroom, making it difficult to make a choice.

To help you on your way, we have done an ultimate broker test. Here we compare the best known online brokers. For example, we look at the costs, the offer but also the user-friendliness. Curious about the results? Read on!

What should you pay attention to when choosing a broker?

Investing money is easier than you might think. There are many different brokers that make it possible to invest your money in, for example, stocks, ETFs, funds and other investment products.

Nevertheless, it is smart to always do comparative research before you start investing with a certain party. The different costs per broker can differ considerably.

In addition, there are several pitfalls that you can overlook as a novice investor, causing you to lose a lot on your return.

To help you on your way, we have made an overview below of a number of things that you should keep in mind when choosing the best broker.


What is the Best Broker in 2023?

By now you already know a bit more about brokers, but the best part of this article comes now. In this section we answer the questions: ‘What is the best broker in 2023?’ and ‘which broker is the best?’.

As we mentioned in the introduction of this article, we have done an extensive test in which we have listed the best-known brokers.

We then gave this broker a score based on the criteria: offer, costs and ease of use. We then gave each broker a score from which a top 5 best brokers emerged.

Good to know: as far as we are concerned, there is no ‘Best broker’ by definition. Which broker suits you best depends on several criteria. For that reason, we have ranked the brokers according to the best use case. So take a good look at this so that you immediately see which broker is most suitable for you!

1. Etoro

At number one on our list, we find eToro. eToro is a globally renowned broker that is increasingly making its presence felt in the streets. Recently, they became sponsors of the football club Vitesse.

eToro is internationally known as a good broker and is used by thousands of investors worldwide. eToro is an ideal broker for those seeking the best stock broker of 2023. You can buy stocks here with 0% commission.

Furthermore, eToro is known as a ‘Social platform.’ This means that on eToro, you can follow other investors. This allows you to replicate their strategies, and there are different leaderboards where you can follow investors with the highest returns. This feature is incredibly cool, especially for novice investors.

Another advantage of eToro? They offer a DEMO account. Through this demo account, you can practice with 100,000 euros of virtual money. Ideal for getting familiar with the world of investing from the comfort of your home.


On number 2 of this list, we find the best broker for ETFs. If you are planning to trade in ETFs, then DEGIRO is your best choice.

Why? This broker allows you to trade ETFs at very attractive rates. DEGIRO has a ‘DEGIRO Core Selection,’ which is a list of dozens of ETFs that you can purchase without trading costs. It includes all well-known ETFs, from the S&P500 to the MSCI World Index (USD).

DEGIRO has grown significantly in recent years and is known as the best and most affordable broker.

DEGIRO is a broker suitable for both novice and experienced investors. They offer a user-friendly platform, and you can start trading stocks and ETFs in no time. Currently, over 1 million people in the Netherlands invest through this platform.

In short, DEGIRO is a great choice and rightfully considered the best broker for ETFs.

3. Brand new day

Are you looking for the best broker for pension investing? Then choose Brand New Day. This is a broker where you can build your pension in a very passive way. At Brand New Day, you invest in index funds that track a specific index.

The broker is known for its excellent customer service and is ideal for anyone who wants to get more out of their investments and money. This broker is incredibly suitable for both novice and experienced investors. Simplicity characterizes the platform, as you can choose from only 5 different profiles and there are only 14 index funds to choose from. However, this is also a drawback.

4. Mexem

Are you looking for the best CFD or Forex broker? Then Plus500 is your best choice. Trading in CFDs or Forex is highly risky, and only real experts can handle it well. So, keep this in mind and do not play with money you cannot afford to lose. You won’t be the first one to lose a significant amount of money by trading CFDs.

Now, if you are looking for a user-friendly CFD platform, then Plus500 is definitely your best choice. Plus500 offers a customer service, and the platform is extremely simple and easy to use. Plus500 is globally known for its user-friendly platform, which is evident in both the mobile app and the desktop version.

With this platform, you can trade CFDs with low commission costs. The only downside is that you need to deposit a minimum of 100 euros, and the research tools are not exceptional.

5. Bitvavo

We conclude this list with the best crypto broker. Bitvavo is currently by far the best crypto broker. This broker charges a maximum of 0.25% trading fees, offers an enormous selection (more than 150 cryptocurrencies), and scores very well in terms of user-friendliness.

Bitvavo also places great importance on the security of its users. All cryptocurrencies are stored and secured externally. This is done through a separate foundation, so if Bitvavo were to go bankrupt, there can never be any claims on these cryptocurrencies.

As a result, you never have to worry about your cryptocurrencies. Additionally, this platform is under the supervision of the Dutch Central Bank and the AFM.

Compare brokers: Conclusion

Yes, that was him then! Our official broker is testing 2023. As we mentioned earlier, we compared several brokers on different criteria.

Based on this, we have made a comparison with the best brokers in an overview ranked in top 5. The top 10 brokers can all be found in this list.

Conclusion of our test? There is no best broker. The best broker is different for everyone. Which broker suits you best depends on your wishes and needs. Do you want to trade shares or ETFs? Cryptos or CFDs? There is a best broker for every investment type.

Therefore, always take a good look at your own wishes and needs, check your investment strategy, and check which broker fits best.

Best Tested Broker
Best Tested Broker